Jaime Sharing in Honor of James

We honor James in July, the month that he would have been born.

We have a lemon tree in remembrance of James. It is special to see the tree bloom and provide fruit. I also write poetry when I am missing my baby.

The Lemon Tree

In the quietude of night, a Lemon Tree stands,
Yearning for the morning sun, with hope that expands.
Through darkness, it blooms, a resilient might,
A symbol of my baby, bathed in soft moonlight.

Pursed lips and closed fists, a story untold,
Yet, if you wish, sunny and sweet, a tale to unfold.
In the cradle of branches, memories take root,
A bittersweet journey, a life's tender shoot.

Death, a curtain drawn, or a portal anew,
A choice to ponder, a perspective to pursue.
For within every loss, a potential rebirth,
The universe whispers, unveiling its worth.

As lemons fall, ripe with the zest of time,
A poignant reminder, life's rhythm and rhyme.
In sorrow's embrace, find beauty and grace,
For from life's bitter lemons, sweet memories we trace.

I attended the "Ending a Wanted Pregnancy" support group with RTZ. I was really scared and nervous upon registering for this group because I didn't know what to expect or how I might deal with processing my emotions in a virtual setting. That nervousness and uncertainty quickly melted away within the first couple of minutes of attending session one. The facilitators, mothers who had walked the same path of loss, skillfully created a safe haven for us. They held space with such mastery, allowing each of us to unveil the intricate tapestry of grief that cloaked our hearts.

This support group was instrumental in my healing. Sharing my son's story and listening to others' narratives provided a sacred space for me to unravel, only to gradually piece myself back together. In the gentle embrace of shared experiences, I found the strength to confront the depth of my pain.

RTZ is the only organization that I know of with this vast array of support group offerings available for bereaved parents. RTZ must be available for years to come to ensure that families receive the support they need in what is undeniably the darkest chapter of their lives.


Pregnancy and infant loss is a unique type of loss, leaving the grievers to feel isolated and unsure of how to move forward. We'd be grateful if you would consider making a contribution to RTZ HOPE. Your gift ensures that other parents who endure loss on their journey to parenthood have the support, resources, and community they need in order to navigate life after loss.

With your support in 2023 (Annual Report) RTZ HOPE continued to fulfill our mission of serving over 250,000 bereaved parents and the healthcare providers who support them through a variety of free and reduced fee programs and offerings.


  • Educated With Website Guides and Resources

  • Informed through Free Webinar Series

  • Hosted Free Drop-in Consultation Groups

  • Led Educational Trainings, Presentations, and Seminars

  • Provided Free Brochures and Materials


  • Connection through Social Media

  • Education Through Webinars

  • Email Newsletter

  • Extensive YouTube Channel

  • Healing In-Person Retreats

  • Informative Website Guides

  • Inspiration from our Stories of HOPE Blog

  • Meaningful Workshops

  • Transformative Virtual Support Groups