Emily Jane, Spreading HOPE for Julia

Ambassador emily jane mockett, fundraising in memory of julia

“Julia lived and loved on this earth for only 20 days after birth, August 8-28th 2002 yet she has gifted us and continues to gift us more light than any other being and she has taught us more about loving in this world of impermanence than anyone else—an amazing gift from this tiny being who never spoke.

Through Julia’s brief lifetime we believe in the 🦋butterfly effect; how a small gesture of kindness can amplify into an infinite, immeasurable influence of love and light. 🌀

My eternal connection with Julia has only strengthened over the years and she has now become my muse. I write a new poem as a prayer daily as a healing~spiritual practice at spiralsofhealing.org (below are a couple of recent poems reflecting on her legacy of love and joy— gifts bestowed only through loss).

No parent should ever have to outlive a child, yet even with modern medicine sometimes we do and the recovery from this profound suffering is further challenged by the social isolation in our society that still exists around pregnancy, neonatal & infant loss. No parent should ever have to navigate child loss alone, and RTZ hope is here to offer support to any grieving parent and to shine light and compassion on this unfortunately common private suffering.”

Pregnancy and infant loss is an unique type of loss, leaving the grievers to feel isolated and unsure of how to move forward. We'd be grateful if you you would consider making a contribution to Emily Jane’s fundraiser in honor of Julia. Your gift ensures that other parents who endure loss on their journey to parenthood have the support, resources, and community they need in order to navigate life after loss.

With your support, here’s what we were able to accomplish during 2022 (2022 Annual Report):

  • Fifty percent of support group participants received financial support to ensure that all parents have access to services.

  • Enhanced outreach to and created support services for Black, Indigenous, and other Communities of Color as a response to the alarming rate of preterm births and stillbirths caused by racial disparities in perinatal and infant health. 

  • Offered 50 different support group programs (virtual workshops, virtual support groups, and in-person retreats) to our community of bereaved families.

  • Supplied our unique perinatal bereavement guides to 400 hospitals and providers to assist in caring for grieving families.

  • Hosted 10 perinatal bereavement education webinars to parents and providers.

  • Created community and spread awareness about pregnancy and infant loss through social media.


From the tower, OH my view

Becomes an altered life review

In the hospital tower of another

The NICU that held my daughter

From the tower here heightened

Reflections of my past brightened

Spinning, churning, circles of time

Of a precious unlived lifetime

From this tower as my host

A meeting of a different ghost

The ghost of me, once alive

Breathing here, to survive

To survive what my child couldn't

To live in this world of I wouldn’t —

Wouldn’t see her first steps

Wouldn’t know her favorite toys kept

Wouldn’t feel her hands in mine

Wouldn’t brush her hair to shine

Wouldn’t face the tantrum on floor

Wouldn’t negotiate candy at store

Wouldn’t find her hiding in nook

Wouldn’t push her to read this book

Wouldn’t wait worried at midnight

Wouldn’t wonder what her insight

Wouldn’t hear her call me mother

Wouldn’t watch her marry another

The ghost of me, now speaks

Echos, in altered path of tweaks

Yet the spinning circles of time

Shows me over & over HER Divine

From this tower high above

Churning, turning, always with Love

—Reverent emilyjane

Unwavering Enthusiasm

When I conceived my son

Six weeks after my daughter died

I felt an immaculate conception

A pregnancy of push from beyond

Not that I didn’t want this Life

Not that I wasn’t deeply hopeful

Yet I couldn’t believe it

When he was born healthy before

The first anniversary of her death

I felt the holy birth of impossibility

A living baby from the miraculous

Not that I didn’t want this Life

Not that I wasn’t deeply hopeful

Yet I couldn’t believe it

When he was almost a year old

I felt I could finally “baptize” him

With a baby naming ceremony

Acknowledging his aliveness with community

Not that I didn’t want this Life

Not that I wasn’t deeply hopeful

Yet I couldn’t believe it

When he was almost two years old

I felt his two spiritedness;

His extraordinary Aliveness

pushing through from beyond

His enthusiasm for Life

so far outreaching mine

As if his late sister’s soul

had hitched a ride back in his heart

Not that I didn’t want this Life

Not that I wasn’t deeply hopeful

Yet I couldn’t believe it

Couldn’t believe I would ever

feel the Joy of being alive again

after the death of my daughter




My son’s enthusiasm

healed my broken belief of heart

Enthusiasm from “enthousiasmos”

meaning possessed by God

His possession coming

through me from beyond

Not that I didn’t want this Life

Not that I wasn’t deeply hopeful

Yet I couldn’t believe it

Until the miracle happened

In my own blood,

In my own holy water of


by the enthusiasm of my little boy

For this life,

For this hope

For this unwavering belief

His belief now my belief

Born only through my broken openness

My unwavering belief in Joy

—Reverent emilyjane

Shianne Gundersen