International Perinatal Loss Organizations


Bears of Hope - Provides comfort, acknowledgement, information, empowerment, and guidance to families during their time of loss.

Heartfelt - Supplies photographic memories for families who experience stillbirth, premature births, or children with serious or terminal illnesses.

SANDS Australia – Miscarriage, stillbirth & newborn death support - Providing nationwide resources across Australia in the form of information, 24-hour phone and online support and virtual chats with peer volunteers, to fully support families as well as medical and mental health professionals in all parts of stillbirth and neonatal death.

SIDS and Kids - Dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during pregnancy, birth, infancy and childhood and supporting bereaved families. 

Stillbirth Foundation of Australia -  In addition to funding stillbirth research, the Stillbirth Foundation raises awareness about stillbirth, including medical and societal risk factors, and potential ways that stillbirth might be prevented.


Antenatal and Baby - Bereavement photography for families who experience perinatal loss. They also provide midwifery support after stillbirth.


Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day - The October 15th campaign raises awareness for a variety of issues that are the direct result of the death of a child, either before birth (during pregnancy) or after birth.

Empty Arms Perinatal Loss Support Services - Offers families experiencing loss free services such as birth and bereavement doula care, the use of a CuddleCot, professional photography, mementos, as well as ongoing support.

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Centre - A non-profit registered charity that helps families obtain grief support on their path to healing after pregnancy or infant loss.

Home Hospice Association - Offers professional infant and pregnancy loss doula (IPLD training), a perinatal hopice program, and Our Babies, Our Grief, pregnancy loss support groups.


A Little Lifetime Foundation - Provides information, services and support based on other bereaved parents’ and families’ experiences.

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep - Bereavement photography foundation that trains, educates, and mobilizes professional quality photographers to provide beautiful heirloom portraits to families facing the untimely death of an infant.


Ciao Lapo - Italian organization devoted to supporting perinatal health, as well as the women and families who experience perinatal loss.

New Zealand

SANDS New Zealand - Supports parents and families who have experienced the death of a baby at any stage during pregnancy, as a baby or infant.


Spädbarnsfonden - An independent charity organisation with a purpose is to support parents and families who have experienced the heavy loss of a child before its birth or during its first year.

The Cubitus Baby - A cot specially designed with cooling blocks to keep your baby in your hospital room with you for up to 2-3 days.


International Stillbirth Alliance - Alliance of member organisations and individual supporters working towards stillbirth prevention and improvement of bereavement care worldwide.

SANDS UK – Stillbirth & neonatal death charity - Providing nationwide resources across the UK in the form of information, telephone and email support, as well as groups and online forums to fully support families as well as medical and mental health professionals in all parts of stillbirth and neonatal death.