Dr. LaRhonda, Spreading HOPE for Lorenzo

Ambassador Dr. Larhonda cockrell, fundraising in memory of lorenzo

“I want to share a personal story that weighs heavy on my heart. I firmly believe that the stillbirth of my child could have been prevented. It's a difficult topic to discuss, but I feel compelled to shed light on the importance of advocating for oneself during pregnancy.

My husband and I had taken part in several birthing classes at the birthing center where we had previously welcomed our first daughter. However, throughout these classes, there was never any mention of counting fetal movements towards the end of pregnancy. This crucial information was simply not discussed.

As my pregnancy progressed, I noticed a change in my baby's movements. During my 36-week appointment, I expressed my concerns to the medical staff. I felt that my son's kicks had decreased, and it worried me. Unfortunately, my concerns were brushed off, with the explanation that my son's size was limiting his movements due to my history of carrying big babies.

To provide some context, my first daughter was born at 40 weeks and five days, weighing a healthy 9 pounds and 4 ounces. As my son's measurements indicated that he was already over 9 pounds by 36 weeks, I couldn't help but feel uneasy about the situation. Yet, my worries were dismissed, and I was assured that everything was fine.

Looking back, I want to emphasize the importance of self-advocacy during pregnancy. It is crucial to trust your instincts and seek further information or medical attention if you feel that something is amiss, regardless of what your healthcare provider may say. Your voice matters, and your concerns should be taken seriously.

In particular, as you approach the end of your pregnancy, it is essential to monitor your baby's movements by counting their kicks. This simple practice can provide valuable insights into your baby's well-being. I urge every expectant parent to be diligent in this regard.

I share my story not to place blame or dwell on the past, but to raise awareness and encourage others to be proactive in their own pregnancies. It is my hope that by sharing my experience, others will be empowered to advocate for themselves and seek the information and care they need. Together, we can strive for better outcomes and ensure that every pregnancy receives the attention it deserves.

I want to share my experience with an incredible organization called RTZ Hope. During one of the darkest periods of my life, when I needed support the most, I stumbled upon RTZ Hope. I honestly can't recall exactly how I found them, but I believe it was through a simple Google search.

Prior to discovering RTZ Hope, my husband and I had attended other child loss groups, but unfortunately, they didn't provide the support we were seeking. One night, overcome with insomnia and tears, I came across RTZ Hope and decided to sign up for their first course. It was only a month after our loss, and I was desperate for understanding and connection.

Participating in that course turned out to be a turning point in my healing journey. I had the privilege of meeting some of the most amazing people I have ever encountered. Their stories, their testimonies, and their empathy made me realize that I wasn't alone in my grief. I wasn't going crazy, as I sometimes felt. RTZ Hope provided the resources, understanding, and support that I desperately needed.

Encouraged by my initial experience, I decided to take another course with my husband. Together, we found solace and healing through the guidance and resources provided by RTZ Hope. The impact it had on our lives was truly life-changing.

I believe it is crucial for RTZ Hope to continue providing these invaluable resources to others who are experiencing the heart-wrenching pain of child loss. The understanding, empathy, and sense of community they offer are essential for those navigating this unimaginable journey. Hearing the stories and testimonies of others who have walked a similar path brings comfort and reassurance that we are not alone.

I am forever grateful for the support I received from RTZ Hope. They have made a profound difference in my life, and I have no doubt that they will continue to do the same for countless others. Their dedication to providing resources and understanding for those experiencing child loss is truly remarkable. In sharing my experience, I hope to spread awareness about the incredible work RTZ Hope does and encourage others who may be in need of support to reach out. Together, we can find healing, strength, and hope in the midst of unimaginable pain.”

LaRhonda’s Story continued below

Pregnancy and infant loss is an unique type of loss, leaving the grievers to feel isolated and unsure of how to move forward. We'd be grateful if you you would consider making a contribution to LaRhonda’s fundraiser in honor of Lorenzo. Your gift ensures that other parents who endure loss on their journey to parenthood have the support, resources, and community they need in order to navigate life after loss.

With your support, here’s what we were able to accomplish during 2022 (2022 Annual Report):

  • Fifty percent of support group participants received financial support to ensure that all parents have access to services.

  • Enhanced outreach to and created support services for Black, Indigenous, and other Communities of Color as a response to the alarming rate of preterm births and stillbirths caused by racial disparities in perinatal and infant health. 

  • Offered 50 different support group programs (virtual workshops, virtual support groups, and in-person retreats) to our community of bereaved families.

  • Supplied our unique perinatal bereavement guides to 400 hospitals and providers to assist in caring for grieving families.

  • Hosted 10 perinatal bereavement education webinars to parents and providers.

  • Created community and spread awareness about pregnancy and infant loss through social media.

Story Continued

“A special memory from my pregnancy that still brings a smile to my face. It happened during the holiday season, about a month before I was due to give birth. My family and I decided to spend Christmas at the Opryland hotel, and it turned out to be an absolutely magical experience.

The hotel was adorned with beautiful decorations, creating a festive atmosphere that filled our hearts with joy. My husband, our four-year-old, and I had the most amazing time together. We laughed, we played, and we made memories that will last a lifetime.

One particular moment stands out vividly in my mind. As we celebrated Christmas, I couldn't resist capturing the joyous occasion through photographs. I took countless pictures of my growing belly, as well as precious snapshots of my loved ones. But there was one video that truly stole my heart.

I recorded a video of our son, Lorenzo, who was still nestled in my womb. It was incredible to witness his tiny elbow poking out of my stomach, as if he was saying hello to the world. That moment, frozen in time, became one of the most memorable experiences of my pregnancy.

In that instant, everything felt perfect. The love and happiness that surrounded us, the anticipation of welcoming our little one into the world, and the joy of celebrating Christmas together as a family - it all came together in a beautiful harmony. It was a reminder that life's most precious moments are often found in the simplest of times.

Looking back, I am filled with gratitude for that special week at the Opryland hotel. It was a time of pure bliss and a reminder of the incredible journey I was on. Sharing this memory brings me immense joy, and I hope it brings a smile to your face as well.

It's a story of resilience, love, and the unexpected gifts that emerged from a time of great sorrow.

After experiencing the devastating loss of our son, Lorenzo, we found solace and hope in the arrival of our rainbow baby, Rubin Junior, whom we lovingly call RJ. Just 10 months after our loss, RJ came into our lives, bringing with him a renewed sense of joy and healing.

Born on July 16, RJ is now three months old, and his presence has had a profound impact on our family. One of the beautiful gifts that emerged from this journey is the way it brought both sides of our families closer together. In the midst of our grief, we found comfort and support in the embrace of our loved ones.

The difficult and traumatic time we went through served as a catalyst for strengthening the bonds between our families. It reminded us of the importance of coming together, supporting one another, and cherishing the moments we have with our loved ones.

RJ's arrival not only brought us immeasurable joy but also served as a symbol of hope and resilience. He is a constant reminder that even in the face of adversity, life has a way of surprising us with unexpected blessings.

As we navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood once again, we do so with a deep appreciation for the love and unity that emerged from our shared experience. Our family has grown stronger, and our hearts are filled with gratitude for the gifts we have received.

Sharing this story is a way for me to honor the journey we have been on and to celebrate the precious moments we now have with RJ. He is a shining light in our lives, a reminder of the strength of the human spirit, and a testament to the power of love.

May our story inspire others to find hope in the midst of darkness and to cherish the connections that bring us closer together.

I want to share my plans for the upcoming year, as I honor and remember my beloved son, Lorenzo. He would have turned two years old, had he lived. It is essential for me to humanize him and ensure that his memory is not lost or forgotten, especially as time goes on and life moves forward.

To commemorate Lorenzo's birthday, I am planning a small celebration in his honor. It is a way for me to acknowledge his existence and keep his memory alive. He was not just a lost baby, but a fully formed and cherished part of our family. His presence in my heart will forever remain, and I want to ensure that his love is never forgotten.

I often find myself imagining what it would have been like to raise Lorenzo alongside his siblings. The thought of the bond they could have shared fills me with both joy and sadness. Through this birthday celebration, I hope to create a space where we can remember him and reflect on the love we will always hold for him.

In addition to honoring Lorenzo, I am committed to continuing my advocacy work. I have always been passionate about advocating for various causes, and now, with the personal experience of child loss, it has become even more significant to me. I believe it is my soul's mission to fight for awareness, understanding, and support for those who have experienced the unimaginable pain of losing a child.

I will continue to advocate for legislation and resources that can provide assistance to families in times of need. It is crucial for society to recognize the importance of supporting individuals and families who have endured the heartbreak of child loss. By sharing my own story and raising awareness, I hope to contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world.

As I embark on this journey of remembrance and advocacy, I am filled with a sense of purpose and determination. I want to ensure that no one feels alone in their grief and that the significance of child loss is acknowledged and respected. Together, we can make a difference and create a more supportive environment for those who have experienced this profound loss.”

Shianne Gundersen