Holly Ann, Spreading HOPE for Magnolia & Baby Seedling

Ambassador Holly Ann Abel, Sharing in memory of Magnolia and Baby Seedling

“I remember so vividly the feeling of wanting my heart to stop alongside my baby as a world without her seemed too excruciating to bear. How awful to make the decision of how to lay someone so tiny to rest. How resentful I was that the globe kept spinning while my world came crashing down.

And then for a moment between the tears and the debilitating grief, I became encapsulated by the warmth of the sun while a sense of peace rooted itself deeply into my soul. Once lost in the fog, I was now lost in sweet reverie as I was overcome by the presence of my daughter. Though she was torn so quickly from my arms, it became so evident that she never left me; that she was all around me.

She sends me comfort through pink sunsets, courage through glittering stars, joy in the fluttering wings of butterflies, strength through songs of cardinals, and love through flowers blooming wildly. And although I wish nothing more than for her to be in my arms, I find solace in how she guides me to live a life that she would be proud of.

RTZ is such a welcoming, inclusive, and safe space for those in the trenches of immense grief. It empowers parents to share their story, search for hope, and begin a journey of healing.”

Pregnancy and infant loss is an unique type of loss, leaving the grievers to feel isolated and unsure of how to move forward. We'd be grateful if you you would consider making a contribution to to RTZ Hope. Your gift ensures that other parents who endure loss on their journey to parenthood have the support, resources, and community they need in order to navigate life after loss.

With your support, here’s what we were able to accomplish during 2022 (2022 Annual Report):

  • Fifty percent of support group participants received financial support to ensure that all parents have access to services.

  • Enhanced outreach to and created support services for Black, Indigenous, and other Communities of Color as a response to the alarming rate of preterm births and stillbirths caused by racial disparities in perinatal and infant health. 

  • Offered 50 different support group programs (virtual workshops, virtual support groups, and in-person retreats) to our community of bereaved families.

  • Supplied our unique perinatal bereavement guides to 400 hospitals and providers to assist in caring for grieving families.

  • Hosted 10 perinatal bereavement education webinars to parents and providers.

  • Created community and spread awareness about pregnancy and infant loss through social media.

Shianne Gundersen